COVID-19 Walk Up + Drive Through Vaccination Sites

Birds eye view of the Vaccination Sites at United Center Chicago

When The United Center reached out to us in February of 2021 to ask us to help transform their expansive parking lots into a large scale COVID-19 vaccination site, we were happy to rise to the challenge and support the effort. In just over two weeks, we were able to design two efficient, medical-grade walk-up and drive-through facilities – no small feat. We managed the entirety of the project from February to July, alongside the City of Chicago Health Department, FEMA, the DOD, and more. Together we were able to provide over 7,000 COVID-19 vaccinations a day to 275,000+ Illinois residents.

Press + Features: This project was featured on NBC Chicago, NBA, NHL and United Center.

Vaccination Site in progress while building
Vaccination entry line to separate staff and patients
Line system for vaccination site patients
Vaccination area with specific tables for patients to get the Covid-19 vaccine

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